Aug. 15-16, 2015
The Red Spirit Retreat Center
6491 118th Street
Fennville MI 49408
Contact for registration: Karen Duffin at 269-355-3339 or www.theRedSpirit.com
For those with an adventuresome spirit but looking to work in a contemplative textile method, students will use textile paints to print and paint fabric into images of their own design during the first morning. These images will create pattern, areas of color, or designs that inspire students to put stitching onto the fabric —anything goes! During the afternoon and next day, “the stitched mark” or one’s own personal stitch vocabulary, will be discussed and used on fabric to create rhythm, movement, and visual and physical texture on the surface designed image. Jennifer will have many samples of her own embroidered pieces and books on hand. A complete supply list will be sent upon registration. Materials fee: $10